Ring Groups

~ 0 min
31-10-2022 00:00

Deze instructie beschrijft het menu Applications > Ring Grroups.

Een ring groep is een lijst van extensies en/of nummer(s) die gebeld worden als er een inkomende gesprek is.


To add a ring group click the plus.


  • Name A meaningful name for this ring group. This name is used in th Destination select list.

  • Extension The extension number for this ring group.

  • Greeting Play a sound file upon calling the Ring Group extension.

  • Strategy The selectable way in which the destinations are being used.

    • Simultaneous Rings all destinations. All destination share the same thread.
    • Sequence Calls destinations in sequence where order that is lower goes first.
    • Enterprise Ring all destinations. Each destination uses its own thread.
    • Rollover Calls destinations in sequence and skips busy destinations.
    • Random A random destination will ring.
  • Destinations The destination numbers are the numbers for the ring group to call. Destinations can only be local registered endpoints or external numbers.

    • Extensions Local registered extensions.
    • External numbers Destinations out to an external number.
  • Prompt Where you determine if the call must have a dial to confirm before a pickup event.

  • Caller ID Name Prefix The string that is added to the caller ID when it displays on the ringing extension.

  • Caller ID Number Prefix The Number that is added to the caller ID when it displays on the ringing extension.

  • Ring Back What the caller hears when they are waiting for the Destinations to answer. (ex. Music on Hold, us-ring)

  • Context The context defaults to the domain name.


Ring Group Example

In our example we will have 4 extensions all ring at the same time until one of them pick up first. Click the + to create a ring group. Fill in the fields that are in bold. In the Extension box type a number that is NOT already created. This new extention won’t be in the extension list. The strategy will be Simultaneous. Enter in the destination the 4 extensions 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004.

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